My 2024 Ins and Outs

As we navigate through 2024, it’s essential to embrace the “ins” and leave behind the “outs.” This year is all about unleashing brilliance, embracing resilience, and learning how to thrive in both our personal and professional lives. To do so, we must prioritize mindful practices, continuous learning, financial planning, and health and wellness. Read along to gain some insights into my ins and outs for 2024, and how these tips may be beneficial to you as well.

My Ins:

Mindful Practices

When it comes to your daily routine, mindful practices are key. My first tip is to practice M.E.D.S. every day. Now, if you’re not familiar, M.E.D.S. is an acronym that stands for Meditate, Exercise, Diet, and Sleep. These are four items you should focus on integrating into your daily life to create clarity and focus. My second tip for mindful practices is inviting you to be present in the moment, and actively seek out new opportunities and experiences so that you can tap into your creativity and intuition.

Continuous Learning

In 2024, we are committing to be continuous learners and focusing on developing our skills. By signing up for new courses, you are ensuring that your career trajectory remains exciting and fulfilling. I recently had the urge to begin sharpening up some of my skills, so I have signed up for a few courses to do just that. And let me tell you, I am having the best time.

Financial Planning

As we move forward in 2024, it’s crucial to focus on our finances and create a plan that prioritizes long-term outcomes. By deferring gratification and planning for the future, we can ensure that our journey is free from financial worry.

Health and Wellness

2024 is the year of prioritizing health and wellness. Regular exercise and a balanced diet are key components of a healthy lifestyle and, ultimately, your leading factors for a successful 2024.

Now, on the other hand, there are certain things we need to leave behind in 2024. Procrastination, negativity, digital overload, and unhealthy eating habits are all outs that we must shed to move forward.

My Outs:


This year let’s shift our focus from procrastination to prioritization. It’s time to tackle tasks head-on instead of letting them linger on our schedules and clutter our minds. Take charge of your goals by accessing them appropriately and crafting daily task lists. For additional insights, explore Stevie Johns’ “Every Day List.”


In 2024, bid farewell to negative self-talk! Toss it out the window — because you deserve better. Whenever you sense a negative thought creeping in, flip the script. Transform it into a positive affirmation because you are absolutely, positively brilliant.

Digital Detox

This year and onward, I encourage you to embark on regular digital vacations with me. Everyone deserves a break to channel their time toward family, friends, and, above all, self-care. Leave that phone at home and step out or choose whatever rejuvenates you best. It’s time for a well-deserved break from the daily digital hustle.

Unhealthy Eating Habits

I can relate to the struggle of maintaining a balanced diet. Balancing my love for sweets and the need for healthy choices is a constant battle. In 2024, I’m emphasizing the importance of moderation. It’s perfectly fine to indulge in treats occasionally, especially when those cravings strike. However, it’s crucial to anchor ourselves in healthy habits, too. I’ve learned to recognize when I’m veering off course, and it’s often linked to my eating choices. So, I make a conscious effort to choose nourishing provisions. This year, let’s prioritize fueling our minds and bodies with the right sustenance, ensuring we stay fit and ready for the challenges that await us.

2024 is a year of growth, exploration, and commitment to personal and professional development. By embracing the ins and leaving behind the outs, we can set ourselves up for a successful and fulfilling year. Let’s embark on this journey with brilliance, resilience, and a commitment to our well-being.


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